Conference Paper

Text Analysis of ETDs in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT) Global (2016-2018)

Abstract The information explosion in the form of ETDs poses the challenge of management and extraction of appropriate knowledge for decision making. Thus, the present study forwards a solution to the above problem by applying topic mining and prediction modeling tools to full-text 263 ETDs submitted to the PQDT Global database during 2016-18 in the field of library science. This study was divided into two phases. The first phase determined the core topics from the ETDs using Topic-Modeling-Tool (TMT), which was based on latent dirichlet allocation (LDA), whereas the second phase employed prediction analysis using RapidMiner platform to annotate the future research articles on the basis of the modeled topics.

Metadata Tagging of Library and Information Science Theses Shodhganga (2013-2017)

Abstract Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) poses the challenge of managing and extraction of appropriate knowledge for decision making. To tackle the same, topic modeling was first applied to Library and Information Science (LIS) theses submitted to Shodhganga (an Indian ETDs digital repository) to determine the five core topics/tags and then the performance of the built model based on those topics/tags were analyzed. Using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation based Topic-Modeling-Toolkit, the five core topics were found to be information literacy, user studies, scientometrics, library resources and library services for the epoch 2013-2017 and consequently all the theses were summarized with the presence of their respective topic proportion for the tags/topics.